
I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am a hollow heart, it slowly filled
with sorrow, it was dug out by love
that hurt me and left me behind
as it ran away from me into the dark.

As love devoured me I struggled,
it’s chains were tight and rotted
from my tears I cried its rust grew
and decayed.

My pillow is soaked in my blood,
my tears drowned me, the mud
came to take me down deeper
than I ever imagined.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

Shshsh! Says the past, as I walk through
the ruins of my heart on dried tears
that fell for seven years.

I have superpowers,
I can disappear and be silent
like a ghost.

I am like smoke.

©️ 2024 By Amanda D Shelton

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