Poetic Endeavors

I used to think love
was searching for me,
I was under its tow,
and love was always
behind me.

My heart was full of
joy and magical ideas
for the future.

So naive I was,
a child dancing
on a dime of
wasted time.

Digging deeper
into my imagination
of the possibilities.
I am a dreamer of
all possibilities.

A people pleaser and
creative deep thinker,
my heart is a large chest
filled with chaotic seas,
it has endless room for love
and it’s own lock and key.

But my thoughts always
got in the way, they like to pile
on top of themselves gathering
in the forest of ideas that exist
in my mind.

Like trees poetry grows
in my head, rooted in
reality and fantasy.

I like to dress up my words
with unique Gothic designs
and beautiful flowing colors and
poetic robes full of glitter and glam,
with buckets of tears and sorrow
ready for my next tapestry.

I was born a people pleaser
and a creative deep thinker
overflowing with ideas and
I have tones of poetic endeavors.

©️ 2024 By Amanda D Shelton

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