Toot toot! ring ring! The Narcissist

Trump repeats himself
because he can’t imagine
anything else.

He got to a black hole and
jumped inside now he’s
honking his horn and
ringing the bell on his
handlebars, riding around
on his bike in circles in the dark.

You can imagine hearing him
honking his horn and ringing the bell,
toot toot! ring ring! over and over again.

The narcissist is like a clown on a bike,
they toot their horn and ring the bell
on their handlebars in the dark
riding in circles going nowhere fast,
but they believe they are
flying to the moon fueled
by their own farts.

If only that was true we wouldn’t have to deal with the damages that narcissists do.

They belong on the moon.

©️ 2024 By Amanda D Shelton

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