Trump The Smelly Old Ham

Donald Trump is a panic button
on hold, ready to blow but went
plop instead of boom!

He’s been turning red for years
because he is a narcissistic sociopath.

He’s a rotting piece of meat
covered in spray on tan
so it makes sense
he smells like his products.

Trash smells like trash and
if you use perfume
to cover the small
you will smell like both.

Donald Trump rolls like an over
stuffed ham that isn’t fully cooked
and he decided to commercialize
himself, sprayed himself down to fake
that glazed look but turned orange instead.

There goes Trump blowing
his trumpet. Poot poot!

He’s energized by stupidity.

Boo hoo smelly old man
in a spray on tan,
go back to hell where you
crawled from.

©️ 2023 By Amanda D Shelton

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