
You once lingered on my lips
sultry and delicious.

Like Doritos and cheese dip,
you and I fit.

Slowly you got spicy,
burned my heart and
left me falling apart.

You tried to stuff me into your
bag of suffering, as you hoarded
your demons and made friends
with my pain bringing me your shame.

You used your crimes to accuse me
of causing you discomfort, while you
stood outside my door laughing.

The smell of Doritos is a reminder
of your insufferable presence, that
lingered for seven long years.

You were never my friend,
the Doritos cared more it fed me
while you starved my heart of love
and you stole my security.

Like Doritos and cheese dip,
you and I once fit.

©️ 2024 By Amanda D Shelton

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